Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here!



I cannot WAIT to get you started with your Breakthrough Session! 

  • The Process is Very Simple: You will have a chance to tell me a little more about yourself and your relationship situation.  The good news: You don’t have to dig up all the garbage from the past. We just need to know where you are now and decide where you want to be, and then break through any barriers keeping you from getting there. We're going to get crystal clear on what it is you need and want and talk about a plan to help get you there.

Learn valuable insights

Knowing what to do to get back to your playfulness and passion can be challenging, because people’s deepest needs and desires are sometimes tricky to figure out.  It’s a bit like figuring out a combination lock. Once someone shows it to you, you can do it every single time. Until someone shows you how, it can seem impossible.

Get ready to dive in

Be ready to share with me what the challenges are, what the dreams are.  What is it you desire? Are you tired of feeling disconnected or misunderstood? Missing out on really great sex? Or just not getting enough? What’s missing? Do you feel desired? Respected? Loved? Accepted? By the time you leave our call, you’ll have more of what you need to get back to that excitement you felt when you first fell in love. Imagine.

I will talk to you soon

I will call you at the time you have chosen. Please be ready to answer the call and be sure to have a pen and paper ready, or a screen open, and ready for notes. You’ll want to take full advantage of this breakthrough moment.


Here’s to living a life of passion!


 Join us on our Facebook page and get connected with other couples like you!

Words of praise from Alicia & Dan

Alicia:  We were stuck in a pattern of having the same fights over and over. When things were bad they got really bad. With getting married, a baby, and just dealing with life in general we had areas where we struggled to communicate and stay on the same page. We took this course because we were tired of battling each other. We didn't want to spend years trying to figure "us" out. Over the past few months we've learned how break the bad patterns we were stuck in and to work together as a team. We learned about how our struggles are the same as all other couples. Jules helped me learn new ways I could communicate and express myself to my husband without making things so personal.

Now if we do have a disagreement it is less often, less dramatic, and we are able to resolve our issues so much easier. I've learned how to step up and be the best partner I can be in my relationship. It's helps us keep the balance in our relationship and we now know how to give and receive love from each other openly and unconditionally. We started working better as a team - in our relationship with each other, parenting our children, and just in everyday life. We are building such a strong foundation for our relationship to grow from. I loved this class because it helped simplify our relationship down to the basics. I discovered how my partner feels love, and what I can do to make him feel how much I love him while at the same time learning to open myself up to receiving his love. 

Dan: We are a couple in love, but prior to the course we were often on different pages in terms of what the other was feeling. We weren't sure of what was important to the other person, or what their needs were. So these misunderstandings would pull us apart. In addition, when we were experiencing issues, I as the man moved through the steps of solving an issue differently than her. I always wanted to move on and not discuss something when in reality it needed to be addressed and she wasn't ok until I listened to her side, then we could both be on the same page. The issues didn't get resolved quickly, I would say most of them took a couple months to wrap my head around but once the steps finally clicked it was a load off my shoulders and our relationship is back to where it started. 

The course was really fun, I actually had a great time with Jules and other classmates. Our problems weren't difficult ones but we needed Jules to break them down to show us what we were doing. We still work on our relationship and bring in topics from the course on an ongoing basis. It's always ongoing but we know what we are doing now, what to identify, how to react and know the needs of each other.

Words of praise from Tiffany& John

After five years of marriage and three children, my husband and I were finding it difficult to make time for each other. We grew apart more each day. And with each child born, the flame that originally drove our passion for one another was out. We hardly knew each other anymore.
It was time to do something. We were on the verge of a divorce. Having 3 children in 4 years is hard on a partnership. With work and school, financial struggles and a deteriorating love, we had given up on each other. We decided we would take the relationship course with Jules as our last option. And in all honesty, we were both prepared for it to do nothing for us. We were both pretty well convinced it would never work for us.

We attended the first class, regardless. And when we left, something shifted. I can't say what, exactly, but suddenly there was this open line of communication that was not there before.  Suddenly, I was happy. I felt whole and loved. And when I felt that, all I wanted to do was give him my undying affection. I saw him in his most raw, masculine form. I was more attracted to him. There was nothing I wanted more than to just love him. I saw my husband in a new light. I saw him in a way that I never had before. Not even before we had children. And he saw me, too. Almost as though we were seeing each other for the first time. We saw each other from a deeper place. A place of admiration and respect.

We learned how to heal our wounds. We learned how to stop an argument dead on. We became more present and we were completely focused on each other. And yes, we even became more intimate lovers. Sometimes, life grabs us up. Sometimes, we abandon all that we've learned. Sometimes our lives become separate again and we fall down and fight. However, we have Jules. When these things happen, and we have landed back on square one. Jules is there for us. She gives us simple reminders. Words of wisdom. We go through our material and we get back on track.  Having children so young and close in age, we get wrapped up in the stresses that it can bring. But we always have the tools to "rekindle the romance". This class has been transformational for us. If we hadn't made the choice to take it, we would not still be here together. I would recommend this to all partners, even singles who want to understand themselves and how they work when in a relationship. This isn't just for those who are similar to our situation, this would be great for everyone.