There are many ways to meditate, all with their own effect, according to what they were designed for. For me, a meditation practice must be simple, easy and pleasurable to do if it is something we can stick to and make a part of our daily lives. My joy is providing an evidence-based education in the practices of meditation and mindfulness that makes it easy to do just that, without joining an organization, without having to take on or sort through someone else’s belief systems, without complicated techniques. Just a series of effective, secular practices that give real results. Meditation makes life better.
Discover the basics of successful meditation, what meditation is, what it isn’t, experiences you might have, the five essentials of a successful practice, and the many benefits that will unfold for you when you learn to meditate, as well as mindfulness practices to help you through the day-to-day challenges we all face as busy people with busy minds, who happen to be living in extraordinarily stressful times.